Create and Send E-mail Messages

This window is used to view, create, send, reply to, forward and delete an e-mail message or e-mail template.

E-mail Messages

New E-mail

To create a new message go to Office and CRM » E-mails » A40 New E-mail. If you already are in the E-mail window, click the New button. A new message can also be created by clicking New Message in the mailbox. Proceed by entering new recipients and, if applicable, editing any information for the e-mail. Save or Send the new message.

Open an Existing E-mail

An e-mail is normally opened from the mailbox or from a link in another window. Go to Office and CRM » E-mails » A41 Mailbox and select the e-mail by double clicking it if you want to view it, or if you want to forward or reply to, click the applicable button in the message preview in the mailbox.

Edit an Existing Message

E-mails that are in the Drafts mailbox, i.e. has not yet been sent, can be edited. Either double click the message in the mailbox, or click the Edit/Send button from the mailbox message preview to open a message draft for editing. Proceed by editing any information for the e-mail and either send it directly or Save as Draft again.

Incoming messages or if an outgoing message has been sent it cannot be edited. However, such e-mails can be replied to or forwarded.

Forward an Existing E-mail

To forward a message, click the Forward button from the mailbox message preview. Proceed by entering new recipients and, if applicable, editing any information for the e-mail. Save or Send the new message.

Alternatively, when viewing a message, click the Forward button in this window.

Reply To an Existing E-mail

To reply to a message, click the Reply or Reply All button from the mailbox message preview. Proceed by writing the reply. Save or Send the new message.

Alternatively, when viewing a message, click the Reply or Reply All button in this window.

Normally only incoming messages are replied to or forwarded, however, you can use the function on sent messages as well.

Save without Sending an E-mail

To save an e-mail temporarily without sending it, click Save as Draft. This will save the e-mail in the Drafts folder without sending it.

Send an E-mail

When the e-mail has been composed and recipients selected, click the Send button to send the e-mail. The e-mail will be saved in Sent Items and sent to the recipients.

Filling Out E-mail Details


Select which e-mail account the message should be sent from.


Enter the primary recipients of the e-mail. Separate different recipients with a comma. If you want to enter the recipients name and e-mail address use the format name <e-mail address>, for example John Smith <john@hurlumhei.com>.

You can either enter the e-mail addresses directly or click on the ... button for a window to open from where recipients can be selected. See below for more information about searching for recipients.


Enter the carbon copy recipients of the e-mail. Separate different recipients with a comma. If you want to enter the recipients name and e-mail address use the format name <e-mail address>, for example John Smith <john@hurlumhei.com>.

You can either enter the e-mail addresses directly or click on the ... button for a window to open from where recipients can be selected. See below for more information about searching for recipients.


Enter the blind carbon copy recipients of the e-mail. Separate different recipients with a comma. If you want to enter the recipients name and e-mail address use the format name <e-mail address>, for example John Smith <john@hurlumhei.com>.

Blind Carbon Copy recipients receive the e-mail without any other of the recipients being notified that the e-mail was sent to this person.

You can either enter the e-mail addresses directly or click on the ... button for a window to open from where recipients can be selected. See below for more information about searching for recipients.


Enter the subject of the e-mail.

Email Body

Write the e-mail in the rich-text editor for the e-mail body. See below for more information about editor features.

Selecting Recipients

To search for recipients click the ... button situated to the right of the recipient input box. You should note the following. If the input field is blank the e-mail address list will open with all contacts listed by default. If the input field contains text, any the text after the last comma will be selected and used as the filter for recipients. If there is no comma present all the text in the input box will be used as the suggested filter when searching for a recipient.


Instead of clicking on the ..., it is faster to invoke the button by pressing TAB from the input box and then the SPACEBAR to invoke the button. The TAB will move the focus to the button, while SPACEBAR clicks the button.

The select e-mail recipients window will open.

Address List

Select from which address book the recipients should be selected.

  1. Contacts searches contacts.
  2. Customers/Suppliers searches customers and suppliers.
  3. Stakeholders searches stakeholders such as employees and advisors.
  4. Recipient Collection searches the selected Recipient Collection (if any recipient collections have been created).
  5. [All Address Books] searches contacts, customers, suppliers, stakeholders and all recipient collections.

Enter a filter to limit the addresses displayed. The filter is used as a search text on both name and e-mail address. The search is done for any name or e-mail address that contains the filter.

Click the Submit button to display the matching recipients.

Tick the checkbox for the people that should be added as recipients and then click the Add as Recipient button.

Example I: No text in recipient box

If no text is present, the mail address list will open listing all contacts with an e-mail address.

Example II: some text in recipient box

If some text is present, the mail address list will open listing recipients matching the filter from all address books.

Tick to select the e-mail recipients and click Add as Recipients

Example III: on existing recipient and then some text in recipient box

If some text is present, the mail address list will open listing recipients matching the filter from all address books.

Tick to select the e-mail recipients and click Add as Recipients. Note that if only one match is found, that recipient is automatically suggested for selection.

Example IV: no recipient selected

Please note that the text used as filter when searching for an e-mail recipient is removed from the recipient box. Therefore if you select none of the recipients from the address list, the recipient input will be lost.

Close window without selecting a recipient will clear the input box of the filter.

Linking an e-mail to Activity, Sales Order/Invoice or Purchase Order

You can link an e-mail to an activity, sales order or purchase order. Search and select the applicable objects.

Please note the an e-mail is also linked to a Client Company. If you have access to multiple client companies in SMARTEDGE a selection list for the client company is displayed. The default client company for the mail account is selected initially, but this can be changed.

If you only have access to one client company, the selection list is not displayed.


Attachments are any files that should be sent together with the e-mail. To attach a file to the e-mail click on the link [Add Attachment], then

How To Add an Attachment

Click on the link [Add Attachment]

If the file already has been uploaded to SMARTEDGE click the Attach button. If not, click the Upload button to upload the file before attaching it. Follow the regular procedure for uploading an image or document.

Attaching a Document

Enter the search text in the attachment input field, then click the Attach button to find the document. The document fields File Name, File Alias, and Document Type will be searched when entering a search text. Enter an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the text if you want to search for documents containing the search text. Unless asterisk is used, the document information must start with the search text.

If you search for a document without entering a search text all documents having status Open or are of type [Unspecified] will be listed.

After the document has been attached, the document can be viewed by clicking the link [View].

E-mail Body

SMARTEDGE offers a powerful rich-text editor for composing e-mail message bodies.

Click Here to view a PDF document on how to use the rich-text editor. It includes description of the editor's features and example on how to use it, as well as information about Code Snippets, E-mail Signatures and Inserting Templates.

Using E-mail Templates

Click the Insert Template button. A window will display where you select which template to use.

Please note that wildcards are not used in regular e-mails. Therefore if the template contains wildcards, these will be replaced with blank data when the template is used for a regular e-mail.

The PDF manual referred to in the E-mail Body paragraph above contains more information about inserting templates.

Click Here to see more about how to create templates.