Account Collections

Account collections are used to position accounts in the income statement and balance sheet respectively. This window allows you to edit the header and footer texts as well as styles, and change the position of an account collection.

You get to this window from either Financials » Reports » Layout Customisation » R90 Income Statement Layout or Financials » Reports » Layout Customisation » R91 Balance Sheet Layout.

New Collection

To Create a new collection, click the New button. Fill out the fields and click Save.

Edit an Existing Collection

Click the Edit button. Proceed by editing any information on the collection and save the changes.

Please take care when moving collections around or editing the styles for the headers and footers. The result of your changes can lead to unreadable income statements and balance sheets.

Deleting a Collection

Click the Delete button to delete the collection. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the account.

Only collections with no sub-collections or accounts belonging to them can be deleted.

Filling Out Details

Field Do
Header Text

Header Text must be entered. This describes the collection. Whether the header is actually printed on the report itself depends on the header style.

Header Style

Select the Style for the Header. Below the other fields a Sample is displayed for how the header will look with the selected Style.

  1. Header 1 is the top header for the report. It uses a slightly larger font and has more space above it than Header 2.
  2. Header 2 is an Uppercase header, used on important sub-collections. Example: The Sales Income Collection would normally use Header 2.
  3. Header 3 is an an italic bold header. It is quite rarely used, since headers are commonly not displayed for collections containing accounts directly.
  4. Header 4 is an an italic header. It is quite rarely used, since headers are commonly not displayed for collections containing accounts directly.
  5. Normal displays the header as normal text.
  6. Hidden means that the header is hidden. This is a very common selection for headers.
  7. Invisible means that the header does not display but a blank line is printed. The difference between Hidden and Invisible is that hidden does not produce a blank line.
Sum (footer) text

Enter the text that should be used as the footer text, or sum/sub-total text for this collection. This is a required field.

Sum Style

Select the Style for the Footer. Below the other fields a Sample is displayed for how the footer will look with the selected Style.

  1. Footer 1 is the biggest footer for the report. It is in uppercase with a larger font and a thin top line and extra thick bottom line. Note that this footer will some times not display properly in the sample section because the top line and bottom line does not always show.
  2. Footer 2A is an Uppercase footer with a thin line on top and a thick bottom line with padding after the top-line, used on important sub-collections.
  3. Footer 2B is an an Uppercase bold footer with a thin line on top and thick bottom line.
  4. Footer 2C is an an Uppercase bold footer with a thin line on top and bottom.
  5. Footer 2D is an an Uppercase bold footer with a thin line on top.
  6. Footer 3 is an an italic bold footer with a thin line on top. It is quite often used for collections containing accounts directly.
  7. Footer 4 is an an italic footer with a thin line on top. It is quite often used for collections containing accounts directly.
  8. Normal displays the footer as normal text with a thin line on top.
  9. Hidden means that the footer is hidden.
  10. Invisible means that the footer does not display but a blank line is printed. The difference between Hidden and Invisible is that hidden does not produce a blank line.
Belongs to Collection

Select the parent for this collection. This is done by clicking the Select button and then click on the applicable collection in the list that appears in the right-hand side of the window.

Position within Collection

Select where the collection should appear within the selected parent collection.

Invert Amount

If the collection is within the income part of an income statement, enable Invert Amount This will multiply the income transactions by -1 to provide the correct sign for income (positive sign).

If the collection is within the liabilities or equity part of an balance sheet, enable Invert Amount This will multiply the liabilities and equity transactions by -1 to provide the correct sign for these accounts (positive sign).

Accounts Tab

The accounts tab lists all accounts presently in this collection. To move one account to a different collection, click on the link for the account and then edit the account settings.